Thursday, December 25, 2008
It's a Moral Conundrum
a) Finish Bringing Down the House
b) Watch Arrested Development
c) Go to Bed
Thoughts, anyone?
There will be a Christmas post tomorrow night, for sure, replete with photos and stories from Christmas 2008. Recognize. (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same) (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Instant Product Review
Bringing Down the House by Ben Mezrich is the true(ish) story of the MIT 6, six students who, with the help of some older investors and predecessors, developed a way to win at Blackjack...guaranteed. I wish I could explain it, but it all has to do with the way cards are stacked together.
...and also got a new beverage...Dasani Plus Refresh+Revive w/ Vitamin B13 + Vitamin B6 + Vitamin B12+ Chromium (which I didn't think was good for you, but whatever) Kiwi Strawberry flavor
So, I figured I would give you, my blogging audience, my first reaction to this new beverage.
Here we go.
Honestly, it's not bad. It's like a flat, watered down fruit punch, which is what a lot of these flavored waters taste like, other than Vitamin Water which is just pure awesome.
According to the back, this bottle has 25% of all of those vitamins for the rest of my day. Which means I just have normally, I guess. Then, Dasani does me the favor of comparing how much of everything is in their water as opposed to "Unfortified Water Beverages"
What, beverages like, oh, I don't know...DASANI? No crap water doesn't have anything in it. That's why I, acting as a hypothetical yuppie consumer, decided to buy this, since I'm just living too much of an on-the-go lifestyle to deal with hydration that isn't flavored and "fortified".
That's all for now. Only one half-hour left and then a few hours of sleep are up ahead. (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same) (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thoughts on...Hancock
...or watch Hancock, which was coming on BTV, the local movie channel here at Purdue. I went with the latter because I didn't feel like getting my ass handed to me again until later tonight, after I got my studying done.
Hancock for those who don't know, is the story of...well...Hancock, played by Will Smith, who is a superhero who doesn't care about saving people. He's the only one of his kind and he therefore has become a misanthrope, hating humanity and not caring about the way he is perceived in the public. Enter Jason Bateman, who plays the PR expert who actually wants to save the world and sees Hancock as the perfect way to do that.
When it was coming out last summer I was really looking forward to this for a number of reasons...
1) Jason Bateman. I love the guy, anything he's in. Hell, I'm halfway tempted to watch Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium because he's in it.
2) Peter Berg. This guy has directed some killer movies. The Rundown. Friday Night Lights (He also came up with the kickass TV version) The Kingdom. And, one of the most underrated films ever Very Bad Things.
3) Will Smith. Yeah, I still like him. Sue me.
4) A different take on a superhero story. I'm such a movie geek and a comic book geek that when something new is proposed, I'm sure to at least give it a try.
But, alas, I was disappointed by the film, to say the least. It took a really weird shift halfway through and then never really followed through on it. It felt like maybe 20 minutes of the movie was missing somewhere and, while all of the questions were answered, I would have cared a whole lot more if the lost time had been in there somewhere.
I'll put the spoiler below if anyone cares Highlight it if you want to know.
Charlize Theron plays Bateman's wife. But, she is also a superhero who is fatefully matched with Hancock. They've been together for thousands of years.
So, in the middle of this comedic take on a superhero, all of a sudden, things take a really weird and serious turn.
I think the reason I and so many people didn't respond as well to the movie was that we were not expecting this twist and shift in tone. It was jarring. You couldn't respect the second half of the movie because you felt like you had been hit by a truck.
But, alas, on today's second viewing, I felt a whole lot better about the flick. Sure, I still wish the twist was developed a little bit more after it was dropped on us, but, honestly, the movie works.
So, what's the moral of the story? Watch Hancock again, if you have already. And if you haven't, check it out with this in mind: don't go in with anything in mind about what's going to happen. Just let it happen. I hope you'll be glad you did.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Work Live Blog
I'm at work right now, which is ever-so-exciting.
So, I'll be live blogging the experience until 7:00 til I sign off.
5:10- Watching HIMYM, "The Fight" I think that, if I was facing the prospect of going to jail, I would have the same reaction that Ted did. "I could get a lot of reading done. Maybe write some short stories. Work out A LOT!"
5:11- LAWYERED! Marshall gets his just desserts.
5:13- Harsh words from Doug. Ted's speech at Lilly's class is classic! I will be looking after Christmas for a sale at the wuss market.
5:15- Here's the link to the episode, if you haven't
seen it yet. Couldn't embed it...sorry. Now, I'm starting "Little Minnesota"
5:19- Kath, I'm so glad I didn't look at the post about Barney's Christmas songs. Amazing!
5:20- Barney chair his own chair. I aspire to be him one day. If I see this damned ad for the Buttertons!
5:22- Something smells like pizza and it's really annoying.
5:25- I loved Barney leaning into the scene to stage whisper to Ted's sister.
5:29- Everyone has a friend like Lilly who can't keep a secret.
5:33- It's been snowing like something fierce out there all day. Horrible. Anyone have a job opening in a warmer climate that will accept me a semester early?
5:35- Robin's a panderer bear. She would make a good politician.
5:37- Possible KILL SCREEN! I love the fact that the King of Kong has infiltrated society.
5:44- I love Christmas episodes to shows. There was nothing explicitly Christmas-ey...OMG! Marshall doing Karaoke to "Let's Go to the Mall" could be my favorite moment since Slapsgiving! Here's the link to "Little Minnesota"
5:50- Now I'm catching up on two weeks of "The Office"
5:54- I just bought Arrested Development, all three seasons, for less than 30 bucks on Amazon. Yeah, impluse buying!
5:59- Michael Scott is a pitiful person. I just want to give him a hug.
6:02- It's official. I want a butter sculpture at my wedding...or really at any point in my life.
6:05- MMM Brownies!
6:18- MMM More brownies!
6:19- DONT CALL DAVID WALLACE! Nothing good ever comes from it!
6:20- Hershey's has been using that damn Kisses ad for years now. Seriously, spend some cash!
6:26- Adding Sugar to Diet Coke...genius!
6:28- And, as it should be, Jim wins in the end. Off to "Moroccan Christmas"
6:33- I thought for years that my favorite drink was a Screwdriver, but now I learned it's a Orange Vodjuiceka. You learn something new every day.
6:37- Intervention for Meredith. She should have been at this one.
6:44- Well, my replacement's here, so I'm off to grab some food and play some Madden. NIGHT, KIDS! (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same) (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)
Friday, December 12, 2008
It's Over!
This semester has been an interesting one. It's been really busy at times with a lot of crap, good and bad, thrown in the mix. I'm glad to be over, but, as my final semester nears, I'm really starting to worry about the job market.
But, we shall see.
Here's a mass update on how you can keep track with minor updates in my life.
1. Twitter. I've become an addict and find that it's the easiest way to keep people up to date on my life. You can check me out at I update it often. From my phone, from my Firefox Extension...definitely post all of my musings and goings on. Also, if you are the Facecreeping type, my Twitter posts, known as tweets, become my Facebook status, so YOU CANNOT ESCAPE!
2. Facebook. Facebook me if you haven't.
3. AIM. philboy37. Yeah, I'm always online.
4. GMMR. I haven't really talked much about my job over at Give Me My Remote ( blogging about Dexter every week. But as the finale occurs this Sunday, I'll start just blogging about anything TV related that occurs in my head until something regular comes along.
5. This blog! I know I say this all the time, but I really want to get into a regular routine with this. Hopefully I'll find a good balance.
With that, I'll let you go. Here's a great video from Straight No Chaser, a great a capella group out of IU who became an internet sensation with this video and subsequently got back together and recorded a Christmas album!
Here's all the links, one more time, just to keep them together. (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same) (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)
See you next time, kids!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Music Live Blog
11:30- Jimmy Buffet, "We Are the People Our Parents Warned Us About"
11:33- Stephen Lynch, "What if That Guy from Smashing Pumpkins Lost His Car Keys?"
11:34- Purdue Varsity Glee Club, "Purdue Hymn"
11:36- Christopher Titus, "Normal vs. Screwed Up"
11:37- Jimmy Buffet, "One Particular Harbor"
11:43- The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, "I'm Not that Smart (Reprise)"
11:44- Patton Oswalt, "Your Moment of Irony"
11:45- Eels, "I Need Some Sleep"
11:48- Patton Oswalt, "A Man Shaves His Balls"
11:49- Moulin Rouge, "Spectacular Spectacular"
11:52- Franz Ferdinand, "Take Me Out"
11:55- Lee Ann Womack, "The Weight"
12:01- Rent, "Today 4 U"
12:04- Bowling for Soup, "A-Hole"
12:08- Eric Bibb, "I'll Never Lose You"
Pausing, Taking a Bathroom Break
Finished Dexter Review
Starting Italian Paper
12:13- Patty Griffin, "Long Ride Home"
12:16- Jon McLaughlin, "So Close"
12:21- Rockapella, "Keep on Smilin'"
12:23- Barenaked Ladies, "Get in Line"
12:27- Bowling for Soup, "On and On"
12:30- Montgomery Gentry, "Some People Change"
12:33- The Wedding Singer (Musical), "A Note from Linda"
12:35- Hairspray (Film), "The Nicest Kids in Town"
12:38- Lou Reed, "Satellite of Love"
12:42- Hanson, "Yearbook"
12:47- Barenaked Ladies, "Wind it Up"
12:52- Taylor Swift, "Teardrops on My Guitar"
12:55- Elton John, "Salvation"
12:59- Hammell on Trial, "Coulter's Snatch"
1:02- The Wedding Singer (Musical), "Not That Kind of Thing"
1:05- Hammell on Trial, "Worry Wart"
1:07- Patton Oswalt, "Wackity Schmackity Doo!"
1:10- Avril Lavigne, "Things I'll Never Say"
1:13- Ben Folds, "Hiroshima (B B B Benny Hits His Head)"
Bathroom Break
1:22- Moulin Rouge, "Sparkling Diamonds"
1:24- Taylor Swift, "Tied Together With a Smile"
1:28- Christopher Titus, "Insanity Genetic"
1:37- Stephen Lynch, "Albino"
1:39- The 25th Putnam County Spelling Bee, "Prayer of the Comfort Counselor"
1:41- Jimmy Buffet, "Margaritaville"
Paper Done!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Late Night Work Post
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Uggh. What Comes Up Must Come Down.
Things are going well for me right now. I'm on the precipice of something very cool and if it all works out, it could be HUGE! It could literally change the face of this blog and its contents.
Let's see what else...
Follow me on twitter. That's where I'm writing a lot lately, to be honest, since I can tweet on my phone from the convenience of class.
Also, something big for me is my new spot as a blogger/reviewer for Give Me My Remote. I'm reviewing Dexter every Monday and will be posting some other things that I've got floating around in my head about television on there, so stay tuned. For my stuff, just search for Philboy or "Dexter" and you'll find it. Gimme your thoughts.
I've put my screenplay on the shelf for right now. I'm finding out that I'm not really good at screenwriting. I'm too direct with things, am focusing on the wrong stuff, etc. Plus, I can't write jokes in dialogue form. Instead, I've been working on a mystery/thriller short story/novel/something. I'm hoping to get it put online soon, as there are some sites that are specifically for that sort of thing. If anyone would like to read the first couple chapters and gimme their thoughts, I'd be more than happy to send them your way.
As my TV reviewing moves elsewhere, I'll reassure you that my movie reviewing, for the time being, is staying right here.
Tonight, I saw "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist"

Michael Cera plays Michael Cera. Kat Dennings plays The Love of My Life. But, I digress.
Cera plays Nick, an emo kid in New York who plays in a band of all gay kids and is having a hard time getting over Triss played by Alexis Dziena.

Yeah, I'd have a hard time getting over her too. Let's not kid ourselves.
But, alas, his gay band friends push him out of his slump in an attempt to try to find an exclusive punk show in New York. Along the way, Nick meets Norah played by the wonderfully awesome Kat Dennings.

I'm gonna go with upgrade.
Norah and Nick end up on a nightlong adventure trying to find the show and, in turn, fall in love with each other, mainly through the love of music.
"Infinite Playlist" ,on paper, is familiar territory. But, the way it's done, the way the characters are drawn and the turns that are thrown in between make it a fun romantic comedy that I think everyone will find something to relate to. It also brings back parts of New York that I loved, like early morning New York and 24 Hour Diners. A great soundtrack backs up a unique take on teenage love and getting over the one you thought you HAD to be meant for. Definitely go and check it out!
Well, kids, the old eyes are startin to droop, so ta-ta for now.
For my video of the day, I wanted to post something about Kat Dennings, since I've been in love with her for a while now. Here's the trailer of a flick I LOVED with her and the God Amongst Men, RDJ (that's Robert Downey, Jr. for those not in the know) called "Charlie Bartlett". Definitely check out the movie if you didn't see it in theatres, which means you probably just blinked or something.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Yeah, it was a week. Not necessarily an awesome one or a crazy one, but a week nonetheless.
I'm working the overnight shift tonight, so there will probably be another post involved, or even a liveblog if I'm feeling up to it.
Purdue had their first football game today. We played alright, but we didn't produce the way we should have against North Colorado. Mike and I went for about three fourths of it and then finished it up at Jake's. I freaking love that place.
Last night was an off night for me. I had plans with people but they all fell through or got dropped completely. So, it was an off night for me.
But, we had another episode of Psych, which is always welcome in my book. This week, I had this to heal the pain of my friends abandoning me.

Juliet + Roller Derby = Happy Phil :)
Juliet had to go undercover as Maniac, a roller girl. No, not Heather Graham in Boogie Nights...
...wait. What happened? I just blacked out.
Anywho, it was a hilarious episode. Sad that next week will be the Season finale, but it makes way for the new shows.
Looking ahead to the week, we have True Blood, the new one from Alan Ball (Six Feet Under) with Anna Paquin as a vampire-lover. I'm willing to give it a shot on names alone, with a hope that Ball doesn't creep into the weird, overly dark territory that Six Feet Under took towards its final seasons.
I would write more, but right now I'm really angry at Fox Sports Net Ohio and feel like writing a letter. I need to do it now, while I'm thinking about it.
Monday, September 1, 2008
And Now, Starting a New Year
But, today has been a good day to be awake.
For those who are new to the blog, welcome. I try to just cover what I do in the course of a day, as well as my rants and ramblings and reviews on anything I see fit. It's WEB 2.0 so, as always, feel free to comment on whatever. The format of posts will change, so be on your toes.
A couple of quick notes...
1. You can Facebook me! Search "philboy37"
2. You can add me to MySpace.
3. You can follow me on Twitter.
4. You can always email me at
Alrighty, on with the post...
I would talk about my day, but to be honest, it was all homework and meeting up with friends and buying stuff for my room. So, instead, I want to talk about some stuff I saw on the news throughout the course of the day.
1. Palin-Gate. That's right, kids...I went there. It's been quite the sh*tstorm for the Governor from the mediocre state of Alaska. It came out early in the day that her daughter, who is 17, is pregnant.
Let's be clear about a couple of things. Palin was foolishly nominated as McCain's VP candidate for three reasons. She's a woman, she's attractive and a smoother talker than McCain will ever be, and she is, in theory, an evangelical Christian. All three of those things would help to shore up some of the voting demographics that McCain has failed to secure so far.
But, that Evangelical thing should, in a just world, ruin all of that. Seriously? Underage pregnancy? How "Juno" of you! You have to love that all the talking heads on Fox have rationalized this by shoving the facts that she's marrying the guy (unlikely) and is keeping the kid (likely) in our faces. I mean, can they rush a wedding by November?
That was quite mean of me.
I don't really care.
The fact that this will, most likely, fly unnoticed is disgraceful. It's a double standard that disgusts me and makes me ashamed to be an American. If any child of Obama, Biden, Gore, Clinton, etc. were to GET PREGNANT UNDERAGE and the news of which WAS WITHHELD AND RELEASED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CAMPAIGN BY THE CANDIDATE THEMSELVES, THROWING THEIR OWN SPAWN UNDER THE BUS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A NATURAL F***ING DISASTER (see below), that candidate would be raped in the media, drug over the coals.
This is an excerpt from CNN's Political Ticker:
"Before, they were excited about her, with the Down syndrome baby," conservative, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist said. "But now with this, they are over the moon. It reinforces the fact that this family lives its pro-life values."
Are you kidding me?
But, never fear, believers in logic, justice and, you know, common sense (ahh the frivoloties of life). Palin, who has LESS experience than Obama in most Presidential columns, has one month, 30 days, to go toe-to-toe with Joe "Never Backed Down From a Fight" Biden.
Good Luck, Sarah. You're gonna need it.
And, how the hell did this fly by the McCain campaign? Or, did it not fly by them, they just waited until Hurricane Gustav was supposed to tear through New Orleans to release it? I really can't decide on that one.
2. Hurricane Gustav.
To anyone who knows me, they know that New Orleans is my future home. When I visited NO in 2007, I was blown away by the food, atmosphere and people. I'm ready for the city, and, as Bill Simmons eloquently put it in his column, the city is ready for us again.
So, needless to say, Gustav was worrysome. Any hurricane that is supposed to hit the Gulf is worrysome. But, they did a better job of evacuating and have updated (somewhat) their emergency systems and levees since Katrina. Luckly, everything worked out for NO, with the storm thrashing southern Louisiana, a much less populated area. As a metereologist on CNN put it, someone had to have the bad news.
3. New TV
On a lighter note (although the amazingness of the Paliny goodness today was pretty light and awesome) new TV is getting underway. This week, we have...
Bones on Wednesday. Premiere finds Booth & Brennan in the UK for either a two-hour premiere or a two-parter, not sure which. Should be interesting where they go from last years shocker about Gormagon.
That's all that's new, and the US Open is pre-empting Burn Notice and Psych for another week. It's a light week, but, it's the calm before the storm. More news coming there.
Alright, well it's about time I wrap up this post. But, as usual, I like to close the post out with a video.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Trailer Park #1
I'm gonna rock some movie trailer analysis, albeit on this slow connection in China. Here we go.
1. Felon- Val Kilmer, Stephen Dorrrfff, that cute chick who died on 24 last season, if not two seasons ago.
Dude protects his home, gets sent to jail, has to deal with the harsh realities of prison. Personally, I don't know why someone would tread over this ground after it's been done so many times. From the trailer, things seem kinda predictable and bland.
GRADE: B- Normally a C, but you get the Kilmer Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Bump.
2. Quarantine- Jennifer Carpenter from Dexter and some others, including Jonathan Schaech (??) from That Thing You Do!

So, this is Cloverfield, minus the monster, plus a zombie disease with some torture porn thrown in to make it marketable to the kids out there. I like the lead, but it's not enough to make me go see this. If there's one genre of movies I wish we could get rid of, it's these "Saw" rip-offs. Kudos on copying Abrams with the handi-cam action (I especially loved the line, "TAPE EVERYTHING! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" I filled in, "YEAH, BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T WE HAVE NO MOVIE!"), but just not buying this.
GRADE: D+ Barely passing, but on thin thin ice.
3. Rain of Madness. The best part about this is that it isn't even real. It's a fake documentary that ties in to "Tropic Thunder" the new Ben Stiller, Jack Black, RDJ (That's Robert Downey, Jr. for those who aren't hip to the lingidy.) flick about a film crew that sets out to make a war movie and ends up...wait for it...fighting in an actual war! It's "Galaxy Quest", but it looks damned funny and might mark the return of Ben Stiller.
So, in honor of this fake documentary that chronicles the struggles of making "Tropic Thunder" I shall review the trailer whole-heartedly.
This is f***ing hilarious. Seriously. RDJ spouting out about 1973 espadrilles? Awesome. If this is a hint to what the movie is going to be, this will be absolutely hilarious.
4. Hell Ride We've got Michael Madsen, Milo from 24, Carradine, Hopper and just a regular bunch of badasses.

This Tarantino-produced flick looks like a lot of fun and might appeal to some people if it can get the play in theatres. Tarantino's name should help, like it did with "Hero", but, to be honest, I don't know if people want more "Grindhouse"ish fare. I mean, it was a colossal failure. But, I'm definitely there, because sometimes a movie just has to be a good time.
GRADE: B+ Let's hope this red band trailer points to some good stuff.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
China is very exciting and terrifying all at the same time. The fact that I don't understand ANYTHING cannot be underestimated. It's truly frightening. If I ever end up in a place where I don't know where I am, I'm truly and absolutely screwed.
More later I'm sure, just wanted to check in.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
On Monday, we had the Bones finale, and boy did it have a lead in from last week. Booth? Shot? Say it ain't so! Well, all was right in Brennen and Booth world, but Gormagon needed to be stopped...or at least revealed before the season finale. If the writers' strike had one lasting reprecussion, it is that it ruined any of the overarcing storylines that some shows center a season around, like Bones. Now, granted, the show doesn't need it. But, they spent two months worth of episodes setting it up and then had to wrap it up a little too quickly.
The best part is that it worked beatufully. I totally bought Zack as the apprentice, as long as you fill in some parts. 1) He was mentally wounded after coming back from Iraq. The timing was weird, but, remember he came back a little off. He got back to normal, but it took some time. Something changed while he was there and then changed back...most likely after Gormagon got a hold of him. 2) He was ALWAYS the impressionable one! Totally the poster child for joining a cult, minus the lack of logic thing. But, sometimes, an abundance of logic isn't a good thing.
Good way to end the season. I was thinking about this the other day. There are three types of season endings.
1. The Cliffhanger. This is where a certain event puts things into jeopardy. Notable recent examples are Edie hanging herself in Desperate Housewives and Sara almost dying on CSI.
2. The Character-Changer. This is where something happens that, even though earth-shattering, will change things in more of a long-term perspective. There's no immediacy connected to it. Look at most Grey's season finales, also House and NCIS, which we'll talk about in a sec.
3. Business as usual. Rare anymore, but this is were nothing matters for next season. It's just like another day.
So, while Zack leaving the team (and, I would assume, the other young squint who testified against Zack's evidence in Brennan's dad's trial might sub in) is HUGE, the real ending is wondering for a few months what will happen to the rest of the team emotionally.
More later...oddly tired.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Because I have an Xbox now.
Nuff said.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I Have Been Remiss in my Blogging Responsibilities
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Why am I so tired?
It was kind of a day of nothingness. I trekked back up to Lafayette to drop off some Beijing stuff and hung out with Krystle for a bit.
Tonight was the start of a new season of American Gladiators. I freaking love this show. It's probably one of the stupidest things on TV right now, but I can't help but love it. They HAVE addressed some things from last season and added/changed some shit.
- New gladiators. Obviously we have last years winners, Monica and Evan. Monica is now known as Jet and Evan is Gabby McFaggyPants. Oh wait, that's just my name for him. He's Rocket now. But, as the season progresses, we are going to see more new Gladiators, like Phoenix who we saw tonight. It was cool, but pretty random. I mean, all of a sudden a kinda gothy hottie with these fake black wings comes soaring through the air.
- New games. One new game we saw tonight was something called Vertigo, where a contestant races a Gladiator on these bendy, platform thingies. It's interesting, but it's hard to get a gauge on it because Phoenix seemed like the event was made for her and blew both contenders out of the water. But, it's new and will take a couple viewings to get a true sense of. We also saw a game called Rocketball. And, while it may sound like a shitty Roger Corman flick, it's actually a very cool, if not physically challenging game. Basically, it's Powerball but, instead of running on the ground and trying to score, they hit a button and get launched in the air, having to make a basket while dodging a Gladiator. This game looks like a lot of fun, but isn't really a tough one. It's not about muscles as much as it is about timing and strategy. Literally, if you went like you were pushing the button and could convince the Gladiator you were so they could get the timing off, you are GOLDEN! It looks, though, that more events are to come including something where they roll around on the ceiling and...dare I say it...ATLASPHERE! Can't wait for that.
- Changes to old games. Most games got expanded, if nothing else. You could tell NBC gave them more money and space to work with, so they made things like Hang Tough and Powerball larger. They also added things to the Eliminator and took some of the stuff away that was pointless, like the barrel roll. Plus, if you fall off the hand bike, you fall into a Chuck-E-Cheese ball pit, something a little harder and not as much of an incentive to just give up.
It will be interesting to see what is to come this season. I like the strategy of bringing new shit out gradually this season. The only thing that i question is new Gladiators. I mean, two weren't enough? I guess we'll see!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I did finish "Slam" today. It was good. Like I said in an earlier post, not Hornby's worst. It's kind of a cross, if you had to cross a few things, of "About a Boy" and "Juno. It's like "Juno" if Bleeker was a part of the pregnancy and talked to us throughout the flick...a la Marcus from "About a Boy" I will say that Hornby won me over with some of the supernatural stuff that just annoyed me in "How to Be Good" I mean, c'mon, the kid talks to a Tony Hawk poster that talks back and ends up "whizzing" him into the future. It was a good book that I reccommend.
I haven't decided which book I'm going to start now. I have two options.
1) Heroes: Saving Charlie This was released in December and tells an unseen part of the "Heroes" saga. Everyone familiar with the universe of "Heroes" knows that Hiro Nakamura has really had one true love...Charlie, the waitress from Texas. Well, too bad Silar wasn't a romantic-at-heart, because he decided to eat her brains out. But, with his command of time travel, can Hiro save Charlie? This book chronicles that journey. I'm looking forward to it, I really am. But, I just wonder if I need to be in more of a "Heroes" mindset first, like during Christmas Break when the season is halfway done.
2) Criminal Minds: Killer Profile This is the second in a series of the books based on the AMAZING TV show and written by Max Allan Collins, who really shines at expanding gritty stuff from the small screen (I say gritty because, even though it was fun, I think there's a reason we haven't seen another "Bones" book. Just didn't seem to fit him or the source material.) I love these books. I love this show. The book just came out on the 6th so it really took me by surprise and I just kinda wanna devour it right about now. So, I'll probably start with it, but I haven't really started either yet, so who knows.
One thing can be said for these two dreadfully boring work shifts...I am caught up on Grey's Anatomy. It's sorta back. Characters are developing, things are getting to where they once were. I'm not a huge fan of this clinical trial storyline they have DerMer on, but if it gets them back together, I guess it works. And, I like bringing Eva/Rebecca/Jane Doe back, but, again, I'm not a huge fan of her lying to Alex and then Izzie (drool) having to lie about it. It works, and I'll take it as a huge band-aid that really does fix some of the problems the show was having, but it just seems like a means to an (hopefully awesome) end.
I will say the one thing that really stands out and what I think can be called responsible for the turnaround is Amy Madigan coming in as Meredith's psychiatrist. Anyone who's seen "The Laramie Project" from HBO knows Madigan is just awesome and she really pulls off the role so well. I mean, I understand it's essentially Dr. Melfi in a hospital, but it's different in subtle ways. I think that you also need to be a voice for what the audience is asking, screaming, thinking and wondering. I know that in an era of Web 2.0 that people question, sometimes with concern, the effect that blogs and message boards have on the content of movies and television. But, in a show where so many people feel so attached to the character, why not bring the fan into it, to a certain extent. Or, if nothing else, at least address what concerns them about the story. I think that that was a huge issue with the first half of the season...WE DIDN'T CARE!! We knew Mer's dad was a douchenozzle. Didn't need three episodes about it. We knew that Lexi and Meredith would never EVER truly get along. Why watch Lexi try and try and try? It was pointless. And, most people don't want to imagine a Seattle Grace without a MerDer. So, bring us in and we will put you on the right path.
PS Derek's speech about the champagne bottle and how they're going to open when...well...when they don't kill someone was brilliant. Brought me back to the wedding vows moment and the stairwell moment. Pretty well written indeed.
WELL KIDS, I should start to pack it in over here at Shreve before I set off for home...only to come back here again tomorrow at some point. Everyone have a good night.
This is a sketch from last night's echoes my love for Kristin Wiig. If you've never seen Suze Orman, don't bother. This is dead on and way WAY funnier. And, yes, it IS Shia TheBeef.
Back at the Salt Mines
I've already helped a person today, so that's more than I've done already. I'm not going to live blog today, but I'll be making posts throughout the day because...well...I've got nothing else better to do.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Work Live Blog pt. 2: Electric...Well, there's nothing really electric going on over here.
8:35- Just helped Blair get a DVD. But, again, she's an RA, so it doesn't count.
NoC: 0
8:40- Fart. I was a little worried it might be a shart, not gonna lie.
9:04- Really not feeling very well. Dare I say, "Hillenbrands!"?
9:26- Watching "Grey's" from a while ago. Using tonight to catch up on some TV, I guess.
9:38- Some thoughts:
- My farts are ranktastic. I really need to take some Pepto or something when I get like two hours. Not cool at all.
- Rose on Grey's is a nutbar. Truly.
10:06- FCITA(ITW)RN #2- Kate Walsh

Work Live Blog
6:10- Watching hilarious infomercial for Pancake Puffs. I think my cholesterol just went up 20 points by watching this.
See, the way I see it is you gotta go with the Chef's Upgrade because that's going to get you a year's supply of little wooden sticks with which to properly turn and shove the lard down your gullet with.
Number of Customers: 0
6:18- John Mayer rocks my face off in both the musical arena and in life. Krystle kinda beat me to the punch on this one, but still...amazing.
Number of Customers: 0
6:25- I just let out a pretty rank fart. I'm not feeling very well. Of course, I've eaten pure shit pretty much over the past two days, so that can't help.
Number of Customers: 0
6:30- Why I heart Mike Rowe
No Commencement for Tired Men
I finished "No Country for Old Men". Don't even start it if you're not in for an odd trip. You gotta walk in there with no pre-conceived notions about what's gonna go down or even how things are going to be presented to you. Even if you have seen the movie and know the story and know how abrupt the ending is, you're still in for some interesting things along the way.
I think the reason that so many people got thrown off by the ending of the flick isn't the ending itself. It is the fact that this movie, this film, was publicized, from day one as kind of a modern cat and mouse tale with awesome actors and directors. But, really, it's about Tommy Lee Jones' character, Sherrif Bell. Forget creepy Bardem and awesomely apathetic Brolin. It's about what is happening to this guy who, going into this series of events, truly believes he has seen it all and is very content (not happy) with the way the world is, especially in his little corner of it.
But, then Chigurh enters the picture. And Bell sees an evil that, until this point, he wasn't even sure could exist. So what happens to this man who is getting on in years and is experiencing something so earth-shattering as the devil incarnate (or the closest earthly thing to it, anyway.) That's what "No Country" is about, in any medium you can consume it. It's not about the young. It truly is, like the title, about the old and how life is passing them by.

"Slam" is honestly meant for "Young Adults", but in the world of all ages reading all types of books, that bullshit is just for marketing anyway. It's about this kid who talks to Tony Hawk. Not in real life. A poster. That talks back. But, it doesn't really talk back. The kid just fills in the spaces in the conversation with quotes from Hawk's autobiography, which he's read a billiondy times. Well, shit happens to this kid and, in typical Hornby fashion, we laugh and cry as he deals with him mum and the girl he just might well as good ol' TH. Like I said, it's not earth-shattering yet, but it's definitely enjoyable and a good read.
Other than that, not a lot shaking. Got lost in the middle of Commissioning today thinking about Heather Graham. Goddamn.
Nothing in the way of anything else to report.
This is a video of Mike Rowe, now of "Dirty Jobs" and "The Deadliest Catch" fame shilling shit on QVC's graveyard shift back in the day. I have a handful of these videos and most of them are pretty funny. But, this, as well as the one I will show tomorrow, take the cake.
Friday, May 9, 2008
I'm Jack Bauer and This is the Longest Weekend of My Life...and the most lucrative
I saw Iron Man again today. Still as amazing as the first time. Nothing new to report, just that it's so well done and Tony Stark/Iron Man is such a unique character in the world of comic book mythos, it's astounding. The man has flaws. He's doing what he does for an absolutely moral reason.
Still rocking "No Country" and "Happy Endings". I did start a new comic book today...shockingly enough the first of a new Iron Man series. This series is really meant to keep people going after they've seen the amazing flick. It introduces SHIELD and introduces Zeke Stane, Obi's son, as the main villain. But, a) I don't trust his chick, whatever the shit her name was and b) I think someone else is behind this. The kid kinda seems like a loser...which is probably his greatest asset. Will definitely be keeping up with that all the way until I leave.
I have to leave in two months. Wow.
I bought a bunch of new books today, so many, in fact, that I hope I won't be buying more before I leave. No guarantees though. I am starting to read a normal linear book and then a book of essays or easily-parsed chapters at night, just to wind down during the day. We'll see if this sticks. Who knows?
Nothing else to report. Posts could be sparse during the weekend, but we'll try.
So, here's a video that I was reminded of today and that was a crucial part to my male adolescence. Heather Graham is a goddess. If you haven't seen "Boogie Nights" drop reading my shitty blog right now and check it out. Amazing all the way around.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Not So Fun Day
1) I'm really tired from working the polls here on Election Day. Started at 4 a.m. and ended around 9 p.m. Woo. Hoo.
2) Grades are tomorrow and I'm a little worried. I need to buckle down next semester, that much I know. It's just a matter of how much I'll pay here at home for slacking this semester.
3) Friends are in trouble.
So, no reviews. Nothing new to report. Just living life, one hour at a time.
Hopefully see you for a happier post tomorrow, y'all.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Welcome, kids...
So, I'm back to blogging on a, hopefully, regular basis. This will be a place for anything I want to put on it. I'm hoping to have it a little more organized and navigable (made up word #1) for anyone who wants to check it out.
This post marks my first day back home after my junior year at Purdue. I love Purdue and I'll be up there a lot this summer, but it's kinda nice to be back home. I'm all moved out and ready to get on with the summer.
Part of the blog is going to be keeping up with my love, the media and pop culture. So, whenever I see a new flick, dig a new show or finish a new book, I'll tell everyone about it here. And, please, people, comment. This is Web 2.0! It's the personal networking revolution! Get WITH IT!
I cannot tell you how amazing "Iron Man" is. Now, granted, I've been a huge Iron Man fan since I was a kid, so I had a bit of a bias going into the flick. But, as most comic book fans know, I also had a HUGE amount of my childhood on the raping block.
But it's awesome. Everything was pulled off so well, it's almost painful how good it is.
My main man Robert Downey Jr plays Tony Stark, the billionaire genius weapons expert who, after almost dying, becomes a superhero. Seems like it should be the most realistic superhero movie ever, right?
It is.
Even though the concept takes a little suspension of reality, the picture that director Jon Favreau paints is incrediblty authentic and genuine and highly believable.
Everyone is amazing in it, especially RDJ who is back and amazing. GO SEE IRON MAN AND KISS KISS BANG BANG IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME! And, the Singing Detective. And, Zodiac. And, any work he did on "Ally McBeal". Yes. "Ally McF***ingBeal"
Ed Note: I haven't decided whether I want to use profanity in this or not yet. Thoughts from the peanut gallery? YOUR CUE TO COMMENT!
It's an amazing job from everyone involved. Here's to the almost guarantee of more parts of this story and hopefully a War Machine/SHIELD/Avengers spinoff.
I've gotten back into Desperate Housewives. I gave up on it at the beginning of the season because I just didn't care about any of them. I barely care now, but it's enough that I can watch it and laugh a couple times an episode. I'm a simple man.
I also just watched the second season premiere of "This American Life" This could be the best show no one is watching. I say could because "How I Met Your Mother" is sensational and underwatched and it's hard to say something isn't being watched when it's on Showtime.

The brilliance of the show is that it's funny, sad, absurd and heartwarming all at once. Host Ira Glass is truly amazing and rides all of these tightropes without ever missing a beat or forgetting to tug a heartstring or two. I was worried, after being a huge fan of the radio show, about the translation to TV. But it works so well. Check out either the radio show or TV show. For more info, go to You will NOT be sorry.
Ed. Note: Great things to listen to while you work out.
I'm rocking two books right now.

1. "No Country for Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy
You surely heard of this book because of the awesome Coen Brothers flick from last year that raped the Oscars (deservedly). And while the movie is pretty much the book verbatim, it is a chillingly haunting modern/classic noir tale of a guy way in over his head. Definitely check it out for a quick read, albeit somewhat difficult.

This book is one of the funniest things ever thought, written, said. It's amazingly honest and funny and brutal and not for the faint-of-heart. But, F*** them. Go read Nicholas Sparks.
Ed. Note: Spread the virus!
Well, I think that's all I have to post for now. Except for...
This is something that I kinda started on the old blog and wanted to bring over here. We live in such an age of MySpace that I feel it a disservice to not participate in the viral video generation. So, I will begin my new blog with my favorite video of all time, Afro Ninja.
See you tomorrow.