Monday, September 1, 2008

And Now, Starting a New Year

So, I know I'm a week late to the new school year, but getting back from China halfway through the week does fierce things to your internal clock. I'm hoping that those issues will subside soon.

But, today has been a good day to be awake.

For those who are new to the blog, welcome. I try to just cover what I do in the course of a day, as well as my rants and ramblings and reviews on anything I see fit. It's WEB 2.0 so, as always, feel free to comment on whatever. The format of posts will change, so be on your toes.

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Alrighty, on with the post...

I would talk about my day, but to be honest, it was all homework and meeting up with friends and buying stuff for my room. So, instead, I want to talk about some stuff I saw on the news throughout the course of the day.

1. Palin-Gate. That's right, kids...I went there. It's been quite the sh*tstorm for the Governor from the mediocre state of Alaska. It came out early in the day that her daughter, who is 17, is pregnant.

Let's be clear about a couple of things. Palin was foolishly nominated as McCain's VP candidate for three reasons. She's a woman, she's attractive and a smoother talker than McCain will ever be, and she is, in theory, an evangelical Christian. All three of those things would help to shore up some of the voting demographics that McCain has failed to secure so far.

But, that Evangelical thing should, in a just world, ruin all of that. Seriously? Underage pregnancy? How "Juno" of you! You have to love that all the talking heads on Fox have rationalized this by shoving the facts that she's marrying the guy (unlikely) and is keeping the kid (likely) in our faces. I mean, can they rush a wedding by November?

That was quite mean of me.

I don't really care.

The fact that this will, most likely, fly unnoticed is disgraceful. It's a double standard that disgusts me and makes me ashamed to be an American. If any child of Obama, Biden, Gore, Clinton, etc. were to GET PREGNANT UNDERAGE and the news of which WAS WITHHELD AND RELEASED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CAMPAIGN BY THE CANDIDATE THEMSELVES, THROWING THEIR OWN SPAWN UNDER THE BUS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A NATURAL F***ING DISASTER (see below), that candidate would be raped in the media, drug over the coals.

This is an excerpt from CNN's Political Ticker:

"Before, they were excited about her, with the Down syndrome baby," conservative, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist said. "But now with this, they are over the moon. It reinforces the fact that this family lives its pro-life values."

Are you kidding me?

But, never fear, believers in logic, justice and, you know, common sense (ahh the frivoloties of life). Palin, who has LESS experience than Obama in most Presidential columns, has one month, 30 days, to go toe-to-toe with Joe "Never Backed Down From a Fight" Biden.

Good Luck, Sarah. You're gonna need it.

And, how the hell did this fly by the McCain campaign? Or, did it not fly by them, they just waited until Hurricane Gustav was supposed to tear through New Orleans to release it? I really can't decide on that one.

2. Hurricane Gustav.

To anyone who knows me, they know that New Orleans is my future home. When I visited NO in 2007, I was blown away by the food, atmosphere and people. I'm ready for the city, and, as Bill Simmons eloquently put it in his column, the city is ready for us again.

So, needless to say, Gustav was worrysome. Any hurricane that is supposed to hit the Gulf is worrysome. But, they did a better job of evacuating and have updated (somewhat) their emergency systems and levees since Katrina. Luckly, everything worked out for NO, with the storm thrashing southern Louisiana, a much less populated area. As a metereologist on CNN put it, someone had to have the bad news.

3. New TV

On a lighter note (although the amazingness of the Paliny goodness today was pretty light and awesome) new TV is getting underway. This week, we have...

Bones on Wednesday. Premiere finds Booth & Brennan in the UK for either a two-hour premiere or a two-parter, not sure which. Should be interesting where they go from last years shocker about Gormagon.

That's all that's new, and the US Open is pre-empting Burn Notice and Psych for another week. It's a light week, but, it's the calm before the storm. More news coming there.

Alright, well it's about time I wrap up this post. But, as usual, I like to close the post out with a video.


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