So, I'm back to blogging on a, hopefully, regular basis. This will be a place for anything I want to put on it. I'm hoping to have it a little more organized and navigable (made up word #1) for anyone who wants to check it out.
This post marks my first day back home after my junior year at Purdue. I love Purdue and I'll be up there a lot this summer, but it's kinda nice to be back home. I'm all moved out and ready to get on with the summer.
Part of the blog is going to be keeping up with my love, the media and pop culture. So, whenever I see a new flick, dig a new show or finish a new book, I'll tell everyone about it here. And, please, people, comment. This is Web 2.0! It's the personal networking revolution! Get WITH IT!
I cannot tell you how amazing "Iron Man" is. Now, granted, I've been a huge Iron Man fan since I was a kid, so I had a bit of a bias going into the flick. But, as most comic book fans know, I also had a HUGE amount of my childhood on the raping block.
But it's awesome. Everything was pulled off so well, it's almost painful how good it is.
My main man Robert Downey Jr plays Tony Stark, the billionaire genius weapons expert who, after almost dying, becomes a superhero. Seems like it should be the most realistic superhero movie ever, right?
It is.
Even though the concept takes a little suspension of reality, the picture that director Jon Favreau paints is incrediblty authentic and genuine and highly believable.
Everyone is amazing in it, especially RDJ who is back and amazing. GO SEE IRON MAN AND KISS KISS BANG BANG IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME! And, the Singing Detective. And, Zodiac. And, any work he did on "Ally McBeal". Yes. "Ally McF***ingBeal"
Ed Note: I haven't decided whether I want to use profanity in this or not yet. Thoughts from the peanut gallery? YOUR CUE TO COMMENT!
It's an amazing job from everyone involved. Here's to the almost guarantee of more parts of this story and hopefully a War Machine/SHIELD/Avengers spinoff.
I've gotten back into Desperate Housewives. I gave up on it at the beginning of the season because I just didn't care about any of them. I barely care now, but it's enough that I can watch it and laugh a couple times an episode. I'm a simple man.
I also just watched the second season premiere of "This American Life" This could be the best show no one is watching. I say could because "How I Met Your Mother" is sensational and underwatched and it's hard to say something isn't being watched when it's on Showtime.

The brilliance of the show is that it's funny, sad, absurd and heartwarming all at once. Host Ira Glass is truly amazing and rides all of these tightropes without ever missing a beat or forgetting to tug a heartstring or two. I was worried, after being a huge fan of the radio show, about the translation to TV. But it works so well. Check out either the radio show or TV show. For more info, go to You will NOT be sorry.
Ed. Note: Great things to listen to while you work out.
I'm rocking two books right now.

1. "No Country for Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy
You surely heard of this book because of the awesome Coen Brothers flick from last year that raped the Oscars (deservedly). And while the movie is pretty much the book verbatim, it is a chillingly haunting modern/classic noir tale of a guy way in over his head. Definitely check it out for a quick read, albeit somewhat difficult.

This book is one of the funniest things ever thought, written, said. It's amazingly honest and funny and brutal and not for the faint-of-heart. But, F*** them. Go read Nicholas Sparks.
Ed. Note: Spread the virus!
Well, I think that's all I have to post for now. Except for...
This is something that I kinda started on the old blog and wanted to bring over here. We live in such an age of MySpace that I feel it a disservice to not participate in the viral video generation. So, I will begin my new blog with my favorite video of all time, Afro Ninja.
See you tomorrow.
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