Monday, December 22, 2008

Instant Product Review

So, I'm working the overnight shift right now, even though I haven't seen a soul in hours and told myself I was going to read a lot but haven't.

By the way, in another installment of "What Phil's Reading"

Bringing Down the House by Ben Mezrich is the true(ish) story of the MIT 6, six students who, with the help of some older investors and predecessors, developed a way to win at Blackjack...guaranteed. I wish I could explain it, but it all has to do with the way cards are stacked together.
They brought a team aspect to counting cards, something which had, before, been just something for gambling addicts who thought they could score really quickly.
I'm about halfway through the book right now. It eventually became the movie 21, but, from everything I've heard, due to it being untrue to the real story and being a crappy movie, it should be avoided at all costs.
Well, on to why I posted. I went to get a bottle of water and out of the machine came my regular bottle of Dasani...

...and also got a new beverage...Dasani Plus Refresh+Revive w/ Vitamin B13 + Vitamin B6 + Vitamin B12+ Chromium (which I didn't think was good for you, but whatever) Kiwi Strawberry flavor

So, I figured I would give you, my blogging audience, my first reaction to this new beverage.

Here we go.

Honestly, it's not bad. It's like a flat, watered down fruit punch, which is what a lot of these flavored waters taste like, other than Vitamin Water which is just pure awesome.

According to the back, this bottle has 25% of all of those vitamins for the rest of my day. Which means I just have normally, I guess. Then, Dasani does me the favor of comparing how much of everything is in their water as opposed to "Unfortified Water Beverages"

What, beverages like, oh, I don't know...DASANI? No crap water doesn't have anything in it. That's why I, acting as a hypothetical yuppie consumer, decided to buy this, since I'm just living too much of an on-the-go lifestyle to deal with hydration that isn't flavored and "fortified".

That's all for now. Only one half-hour left and then a few hours of sleep are up ahead. (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same) (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)

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