Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wow...this has been a boring ass shift.


I did finish "Slam" today. It was good. Like I said in an earlier post, not Hornby's worst. It's kind of a cross, if you had to cross a few things, of "About a Boy" and "Juno. It's like "Juno" if Bleeker was a part of the pregnancy and talked to us throughout the flick...a la Marcus from "About a Boy" I will say that Hornby won me over with some of the supernatural stuff that just annoyed me in "How to Be Good" I mean, c'mon, the kid talks to a Tony Hawk poster that talks back and ends up "whizzing" him into the future. It was a good book that I reccommend.

I haven't decided which book I'm going to start now. I have two options.

1) Heroes: Saving Charlie This was released in December and tells an unseen part of the "Heroes" saga. Everyone familiar with the universe of "Heroes" knows that Hiro Nakamura has really had one true love...Charlie, the waitress from Texas. Well, too bad Silar wasn't a romantic-at-heart, because he decided to eat her brains out. But, with his command of time travel, can Hiro save Charlie? This book chronicles that journey. I'm looking forward to it, I really am. But, I just wonder if I need to be in more of a "Heroes" mindset first, like during Christmas Break when the season is halfway done.

2) Criminal Minds: Killer Profile This is the second in a series of the books based on the AMAZING TV show and written by Max Allan Collins, who really shines at expanding gritty stuff from the small screen (I say gritty because, even though it was fun, I think there's a reason we haven't seen another "Bones" book. Just didn't seem to fit him or the source material.) I love these books. I love this show. The book just came out on the 6th so it really took me by surprise and I just kinda wanna devour it right about now. So, I'll probably start with it, but I haven't really started either yet, so who knows.


One thing can be said for these two dreadfully boring work shifts...I am caught up on Grey's Anatomy. It's sorta back. Characters are developing, things are getting to where they once were. I'm not a huge fan of this clinical trial storyline they have DerMer on, but if it gets them back together, I guess it works. And, I like bringing Eva/Rebecca/Jane Doe back, but, again, I'm not a huge fan of her lying to Alex and then Izzie (drool) having to lie about it. It works, and I'll take it as a huge band-aid that really does fix some of the problems the show was having, but it just seems like a means to an (hopefully awesome) end.

I will say the one thing that really stands out and what I think can be called responsible for the turnaround is Amy Madigan coming in as Meredith's psychiatrist. Anyone who's seen "The Laramie Project" from HBO knows Madigan is just awesome and she really pulls off the role so well. I mean, I understand it's essentially Dr. Melfi in a hospital, but it's different in subtle ways. I think that you also need to be a voice for what the audience is asking, screaming, thinking and wondering. I know that in an era of Web 2.0 that people question, sometimes with concern, the effect that blogs and message boards have on the content of movies and television. But, in a show where so many people feel so attached to the character, why not bring the fan into it, to a certain extent. Or, if nothing else, at least address what concerns them about the story. I think that that was a huge issue with the first half of the season...WE DIDN'T CARE!! We knew Mer's dad was a douchenozzle. Didn't need three episodes about it. We knew that Lexi and Meredith would never EVER truly get along. Why watch Lexi try and try and try? It was pointless. And, most people don't want to imagine a Seattle Grace without a MerDer. So, bring us in and we will put you on the right path.

PS Derek's speech about the champagne bottle and how they're going to open when...well...when they don't kill someone was brilliant. Brought me back to the wedding vows moment and the stairwell moment. Pretty well written indeed.

WELL KIDS, I should start to pack it in over here at Shreve before I set off for home...only to come back here again tomorrow at some point. Everyone have a good night.


This is a sketch from last night's echoes my love for Kristin Wiig. If you've never seen Suze Orman, don't bother. This is dead on and way WAY funnier. And, yes, it IS Shia TheBeef.

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