Things are going well for me right now. I'm on the precipice of something very cool and if it all works out, it could be HUGE! It could literally change the face of this blog and its contents.
Let's see what else...
Follow me on twitter. That's where I'm writing a lot lately, to be honest, since I can tweet on my phone from the convenience of class.
Also, something big for me is my new spot as a blogger/reviewer for Give Me My Remote. I'm reviewing Dexter every Monday and will be posting some other things that I've got floating around in my head about television on there, so stay tuned. For my stuff, just search for Philboy or "Dexter" and you'll find it. Gimme your thoughts.
I've put my screenplay on the shelf for right now. I'm finding out that I'm not really good at screenwriting. I'm too direct with things, am focusing on the wrong stuff, etc. Plus, I can't write jokes in dialogue form. Instead, I've been working on a mystery/thriller short story/novel/something. I'm hoping to get it put online soon, as there are some sites that are specifically for that sort of thing. If anyone would like to read the first couple chapters and gimme their thoughts, I'd be more than happy to send them your way.
As my TV reviewing moves elsewhere, I'll reassure you that my movie reviewing, for the time being, is staying right here.
Tonight, I saw "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist"

Michael Cera plays Michael Cera. Kat Dennings plays The Love of My Life. But, I digress.
Cera plays Nick, an emo kid in New York who plays in a band of all gay kids and is having a hard time getting over Triss played by Alexis Dziena.

Yeah, I'd have a hard time getting over her too. Let's not kid ourselves.
But, alas, his gay band friends push him out of his slump in an attempt to try to find an exclusive punk show in New York. Along the way, Nick meets Norah played by the wonderfully awesome Kat Dennings.

I'm gonna go with upgrade.
Norah and Nick end up on a nightlong adventure trying to find the show and, in turn, fall in love with each other, mainly through the love of music.
"Infinite Playlist" ,on paper, is familiar territory. But, the way it's done, the way the characters are drawn and the turns that are thrown in between make it a fun romantic comedy that I think everyone will find something to relate to. It also brings back parts of New York that I loved, like early morning New York and 24 Hour Diners. A great soundtrack backs up a unique take on teenage love and getting over the one you thought you HAD to be meant for. Definitely go and check it out!
Well, kids, the old eyes are startin to droop, so ta-ta for now.
For my video of the day, I wanted to post something about Kat Dennings, since I've been in love with her for a while now. Here's the trailer of a flick I LOVED with her and the God Amongst Men, RDJ (that's Robert Downey, Jr. for those not in the know) called "Charlie Bartlett". Definitely check out the movie if you didn't see it in theatres, which means you probably just blinked or something.
1 comment:
Yeay, Phil! Your blog brightens my life:) Also, Charlie Bartlett is amazing. Very nice video shout out.
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