Yeah, it was a week. Not necessarily an awesome one or a crazy one, but a week nonetheless.
I'm working the overnight shift tonight, so there will probably be another post involved, or even a liveblog if I'm feeling up to it.
Purdue had their first football game today. We played alright, but we didn't produce the way we should have against North Colorado. Mike and I went for about three fourths of it and then finished it up at Jake's. I freaking love that place.
Last night was an off night for me. I had plans with people but they all fell through or got dropped completely. So, it was an off night for me.
But, we had another episode of Psych, which is always welcome in my book. This week, I had this to heal the pain of my friends abandoning me.

Juliet + Roller Derby = Happy Phil :)
Juliet had to go undercover as Maniac, a roller girl. No, not Heather Graham in Boogie Nights...
...wait. What happened? I just blacked out.
Anywho, it was a hilarious episode. Sad that next week will be the Season finale, but it makes way for the new shows.
Looking ahead to the week, we have True Blood, the new one from Alan Ball (Six Feet Under) with Anna Paquin as a vampire-lover. I'm willing to give it a shot on names alone, with a hope that Ball doesn't creep into the weird, overly dark territory that Six Feet Under took towards its final seasons.
I would write more, but right now I'm really angry at Fox Sports Net Ohio and feel like writing a letter. I need to do it now, while I'm thinking about it.
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