Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Work Live Blog

First of all, I'm blown away about the fact that three people read this blog. Thanks Kath, Kat (Yeah I know it's weird) and Mo(jito) for commenting and keep it up.

I'm at work right now, which is ever-so-exciting.

So, I'll be live blogging the experience until 7:00 til I sign off.

5:10- Watching HIMYM, "The Fight" I think that, if I was facing the prospect of going to jail, I would have the same reaction that Ted did. "I could get a lot of reading done. Maybe write some short stories. Work out A LOT!"

5:11- LAWYERED! Marshall gets his just desserts.

5:13- Harsh words from Doug. Ted's speech at Lilly's class is classic! I will be looking after Christmas for a sale at the wuss market.

5:15- http://www.cbs.com/thunder/player/thunder.php?pid=BPuicDuj8pb8VELFcRZAwsBym69MTlJW Here's the link to the episode, if you haven't
seen it yet. Couldn't embed it...sorry. Now, I'm starting "Little Minnesota"

5:19- Kath, I'm so glad I didn't look at the post about Barney's Christmas songs. Amazing!

5:20- Barney chair turn...in his own chair. I aspire to be him one day. If I see this damned ad for the Buttertons!

5:22- Something smells like pizza and it's really annoying.

5:25- I loved Barney leaning into the scene to stage whisper to Ted's sister.

5:29- Everyone has a friend like Lilly who can't keep a secret.


5:33- It's been snowing like something fierce out there all day. Horrible. Anyone have a job opening in a warmer climate that will accept me a semester early?

5:35- Robin's a panderer bear. She would make a good politician.

5:37- Possible KILL SCREEN! I love the fact that the King of Kong has infiltrated society.

5:44- I love Christmas episodes to shows. There was nothing explicitly Christmas-ey...OMG! Marshall doing Karaoke to "Let's Go to the Mall" could be my favorite moment since Slapsgiving!

http://www.cbs.com/thunder/player/thunder.php?pid=4PjOSMoynbUHsdLLQUvB1Til_8CjQxr0 Here's the link to "Little Minnesota"

5:50- Now I'm catching up on two weeks of "The Office"

5:54- I just bought Arrested Development, all three seasons, for less than 30 bucks on Amazon. Yeah, impluse buying!

5:59- Michael Scott is a pitiful person. I just want to give him a hug.

6:02- It's official. I want a butter sculpture at my wedding...or really at any point in my life.

6:05- MMM Brownies!

6:18- MMM More brownies!

6:19- DONT CALL DAVID WALLACE! Nothing good ever comes from it!

6:20- Hershey's has been using that damn Kisses ad for years now. Seriously, spend some cash!

6:26- Adding Sugar to Diet Coke...genius!

6:28- And, as it should be, Jim wins in the end. Off to "Moroccan Christmas"

6:33- I thought for years that my favorite drink was a Screwdriver, but now I learned it's a Orange Vodjuiceka. You learn something new every day.

6:37- Intervention for Meredith. She should have been at this one.

6:44- Well, my replacement's here, so I'm off to grab some food and play some Madden. NIGHT, KIDS!

philattheolympics.blogspot.com (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same)www.givememyremote.com (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)

1 comment:

KittyMarie said...

mmmm brownies...

...hey, I get to see you today! Rock on!