Sunday, May 25, 2008


I am really bored! Bought a jacket from the Gap today. w00t for that. Through the boredom, though, I do have some thoughts on TV finale season.


On Monday, we had the Bones finale, and boy did it have a lead in from last week. Booth? Shot? Say it ain't so! Well, all was right in Brennen and Booth world, but Gormagon needed to be stopped...or at least revealed before the season finale. If the writers' strike had one lasting reprecussion, it is that it ruined any of the overarcing storylines that some shows center a season around, like Bones. Now, granted, the show doesn't need it. But, they spent two months worth of episodes setting it up and then had to wrap it up a little too quickly.

The best part is that it worked beatufully. I totally bought Zack as the apprentice, as long as you fill in some parts. 1) He was mentally wounded after coming back from Iraq. The timing was weird, but, remember he came back a little off. He got back to normal, but it took some time. Something changed while he was there and then changed back...most likely after Gormagon got a hold of him. 2) He was ALWAYS the impressionable one! Totally the poster child for joining a cult, minus the lack of logic thing. But, sometimes, an abundance of logic isn't a good thing.

Good way to end the season. I was thinking about this the other day. There are three types of season endings.

1. The Cliffhanger. This is where a certain event puts things into jeopardy. Notable recent examples are Edie hanging herself in Desperate Housewives and Sara almost dying on CSI.

2. The Character-Changer. This is where something happens that, even though earth-shattering, will change things in more of a long-term perspective. There's no immediacy connected to it. Look at most Grey's season finales, also House and NCIS, which we'll talk about in a sec.

3. Business as usual. Rare anymore, but this is were nothing matters for next season. It's just like another day.

So, while Zack leaving the team (and, I would assume, the other young squint who testified against Zack's evidence in Brennan's dad's trial might sub in) is HUGE, the real ending is wondering for a few months what will happen to the rest of the team emotionally.

More later...oddly tired.

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