Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Morning Read for Wednesday, March 31, 2010


In what we have left of 24, we're going to see appearances by Michael Madsen and Eriq LaSalle. If anyone but me knows who these people are, you'll get a gold star for the day. (TV Squad)

If you're glued to American Idol this season like I am, you might want to know you can vote through Facebook. (Mashable)

Is there a show on this list you really love? Vote to save it! (Watch with Kristin)


Here's an awesome interview with Carol Burnett. She has a memoir coming out with some awesome stories from 11 years on Carol Burnett & Friends. (New York Times Book Review)

I also need to add this book about the early days of Dreamworks to my list. (/Film)


If you make a typo when searching on Digg, you'll get a chuckle-worthy ad from Burger King. (Mashable)


Awesome story about Lady GaGa. Or is it Lady Gaga? Anyone? Bueller? (New York Magazine)


Would you watch a sequel to Independence Day? I love the first one, so I just might. (CHUD)

Here's a story about a viral site having to do with my most anticipated film of the year, Iron Man 2. (/Film)


Really? What else can I say about this one? (WWTDD)

Spoiler Alert! Nicole Eggert does VERY WELL on Celebrity Fit Club. (TMZ)

I could have used this pitcher yesterday. Brilliant. (Geekologie)

I love these coat hooks! (Geekologie)

Jim Norton is one of the funniest comedians around. Here's a great interview. (College Humor) (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same) (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)

1 comment:

KittyMarie said...

Love the Carol Burnett feature. I've never really been that into her, but she just seems so darn friendly!