Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Workout Awesome Adventure Saga: Day 1

Is anyone not a fan of that title? I wanted it to sound like poorly translated Japanese. Did I succeed?

Today I started working out on a regular basis. I planned on starting Monday, but a snag in travel led to me starting today. I went out to the local high school track and did intervals for about 10 laps, which is either 1 or 2 miles. Does anyone know this?

Let me tell you, it was a bitch! As I said in a previous post, I'm using the Podrunner: Intervals podcast to keep me focused and everytime I had to start running, I was cursing the DJ for making me do this. I can assure you that my knees and legs will kill me tomorrow.

I meant to weigh myself before I left home but forgot. I'm trying to find a cheap scale so I can track my weight, which is crucial.

philattheolympics.blogspot.com (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same)
www.givememyremote.com (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)

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