Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Morning Read for Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Here is the A.V. Club's review of 24 from last night, which I disagree with. Here's the TV Squad's review, which is much more reasonable.

IFC will be making a TV show with The Onion. (Mashable!)

That reality show that Sarah Palin's been shopping around? Apparently, she wants to be a travel expert.


I need this album. I've already heard the cover of "Private Eyes" and it's fantastic. Aside from that, the A.V. Club also has a pretty awesome review of She + Him's new album.


Emma Stone might star in a movie about 1960's Southern nannies who pull a "9 to 5" and rise up against the rules governing them. I'll see Emma Stone in pretty much anything. (/Film)

Wes Craven will direct Scream 4, which will come out next year. /Film has a great roundup of everything we know about it so far.

Sony wants to give Popeye the big screen, 3D treatment. How does that NOT sound like a horrible idea? (/Film)

Tom Hanks wants to turn Green Day's American Idiot into a film. I just wonder if it would work in a post-Bush era.

Have fake breasts? Then don't bother applying for Pirates of the Carribean 4. (WWTDD)


Apparently, Canada isn't the biggest fan of Ann Coulter. (Mediaite)


Here, thanks to Geekologie, is the cutest photobomb you'll ever see. Ever. EVER!

Gawker is reporting that health care bill will force fast-food restaurants to report nutritional facts on all their food. I can't say that's a bad thing, really.

The man who has dedicated his life to this banana museum in California is being forced to close it down and make way for a new exhibit. I would have to file this under the complete bullshit category.

Here's an awesome list of the 13 Most Annoying Ad Characters, from Guyism.

There's an important update to Firefox, for those who are into that sort of thing. (Lifehacker)

People of Wal-Mart is an amazing site. How does one pull this off?

philattheolympics.blogspot.com (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same)
www.givememyremote.com (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)

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