Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Morning Read for July 13

Let's get started, kids. Grab a cup of coffee and join in the fun!


I really enjoyed the premiere of Rizzoli & Isles on TNT last night. It has a lot of promise as long as Angie Harmon drops the Bostonian accent. Here's a review that isn't quite as positive as mine.

Esquire has an incredible profile of the only person to EVER bid perfectly on a Price is Right Showcase Showdown. Here's the video.

We watched some f***ed up cartoons as kids, didn't we?

Peter Weller, from RoboCop and 24, will be on this latest season of Dexter.

Ed Norton has apparently been kicked out of The Avengers films. He wrote a letter addressing the issue. Has he seen The Incredible Hulk? It wouldn't fit with a Joss Whedon Avengers flick!

You know what's hilarious? The Hunchback of Notre Dame!

A Wicked film? I could roll with that, I suppose.

Video Games

Dorkly is CollegeHumor's video game-oriented spinoff. Here's a great list of weird tie-in videogames. I remember thinking, even at 7, when I had a Sega Genesis, that the Cool Spot video game, based on the 7-Up red dot, was stupid. Turns out I was right.

In sort of related news, here's the five most absurd video games starring rock stars. Are there not-absurd video games starring rock stars?


Mel Gibson has plopped himself in some hot water lately. Here are some changes that movie studios are making to their promotional items.

Betty White playing God? Yeah, I could roll with that.


I want to do this to ever out of order sign I see ever again.

philattheolympics.blogspot.com (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same)
www.givememyremote.com (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)

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