Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Book Review: Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich

There are a few authors that I've been reading for nearly my entire reading career. (Does one call it a career? Who knows?!) Nick Hornby, James Patterson, Max Allan Collins and Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels. They come out pretty regularly every summer and for good reason. Stephanie is synonymous with light, summery fun.

The whole series centers on Stephanie Plum, a Trenton bounty hunter who is horrible at "bounty huntering." She works for her cousin Vinny, and, along with receptionist Connie and former hooker/file clerk Lula, catches the odd criminals of Trenton. In her personal life, she is constantly torn between Joe Morelli, Trenton detective and on again off again boyfriend; and mysterious Ranger, ex-Special Forces. Add in her crazy Grandma Mazur and hypochondriac mother, and each novel breezes by in a couple of days.

The plot of this 16th adventure follows Stephanie as she tries to save Vinnie, and the entire Bail Bonds Office, after he gets in deep with his bookie and the Trenton mob. The great thing about these novels is that rarely is there a lot that changes, but rarely is it that predictable either. Sure, we know certain things will happen: Steph will blow up at least one car, Lula will eat a lot of chicken, Steph will vacillate between Ranger and Morelli, her mom will bluster about getting a normal job, etc. It's perfect for summer, when the weather's so nice and there's so much going on that you don't have the mind capacity to follow a convoluted mystery.

The only thing that stops me from recommending 16 is that you should really jump back and start with the first book, "One for the Money." So, do that.

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