Sometimes, you watch something and you realize that you should appreciate it a whole lot more than you do. That happened to me this weekend while watching Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie on Disney Channel.
Go ahead, chuckle.
OK, you don't have to laugh that much. It's not that funny.
OK, seriously, you don't have to "pee, you're laughing so hard." Sit back down and shut up.
Anyway, for those who aren't a 14-year-old girl, like myself, apparently, let me set up the show a bit. Wizards of Waverly Place is a sitcom centering on the Russo family, who are all wizards, except for the matriarch. You have Alex (Selena Gomez) the feisty, non-dedicated wizard who lacks the book smarts, but has street smarts to boot; Justin (David Henrie) the bookish, perfectionist wizard; Max (Jake T. Austin), the cooky little brother; father Jerry (David DeLuise) and mother Theresa (Maria Canals-Barerra). The show involves the family, their friends and all of the mishaps and hilarity that come from being a wizard and learning how to use your powers.
So, there you have it. Wizard sitcom. Done. That could have been a very easy project for Disney. But, they decided to invest a couple hours more time into and come up with a mythology that makes the movie, which premiered this weekend, so successful.
See, in the Wizards universe, the kids are set up so that only one of them can become a full wizard. That day will come in the form of a competition when they get older. Jerry apparently beat his brother in this same competition when he was younger, but gave up the power to his brother to marry Theresa. So, underneath everything in the serious, all of the madcap hijinks and slapstick, is this very dramatic undertone of "Who will it be?"
It all comes to fruition in the movie, to an extent that I thought, at one point, "OK, so the series is over. What now?" But, it isn't of course. The Russos will continue to run the Waverly Sub Station sandwich shop and Alex will continue to be the cute little smartass that she is. But, the creators and writers always have, in their back pocket, a dramatic wild card that can set some serious events in motion...all you have to do is buy into it and follow along.
My video obsession for the day is something that require a bit of explaining if you haven't seen the original video.
According to Wikipedia, in 2007, prisoners in the Cebu Provincal Dentention and Rehabilitation Center, a maximum security prison, started putting up videos of their choreographed dance numbers up to YouTube. The one that received the most hits was "Thriller."
It became a HUGE viral video, making it all over the web. Well, now, in honor of King Michael's passing the prisoners got back to it and made an almost 10-minute long, epic tribute to the King of Pop including "Ben" "I'll Be There," and "We Are the World." It is all at once touching and incredibly odd, particularly the painting portraying Jackson as a knight in chainmail and sword.
I am a sucker for 80's teen comedies. Actually, I'm a sucker for comedies. So, a year ago, when I picked up and purchased Larry Doyle's novel on a complete whim, based on premise alone, little did I know that I was picking up something that was right in my wheelhouse: hilarious and heartwarming.
I Love You, Beth Cooper centers on Denis Cooverman, high school valedictorian, debate team captain and overachiever who, after he leaves high school is on his way to Northwestern. But, with his speech, he feels he must say something memorable. Ergo, he says the one thing that, if left unsaid, he will regret not saying for the rest of his life: "I love you, Beth Cooper" Beth is the cheerleading captain and hottest girl in school. The additional cast include Rich, Denis' maybe-gay-maybe-bi-maybe-neither, movie-quoting best friend; flighty Treece and sarcastic Cammy, the other two members of Beth's high school Trinity of Hotness; and Kevin, Beth's Army boyfriend on furlough and his two lackeys. After the aforementioned declaration of love, a series of events occurs that is at times unfortunate, at times incredible and always hilarious and relatable.
Doyle, a writer for The Simpsons, also is a lover of the 80's teen comedies. But the book doesn't quite turn out to be an outright homage to films like The Breakfast Club, Ferris Beuller's Day Off and Weird Science and more of an update that doesn't feel like one. All of the tropes of the genre exist in full form...
Hot girl vs. nerd
Triumvirate of hot, bitchy, kinda slutty, kinda dumb girls who are all hiding something
Witty best friend
Angry ex
...but it doesn't matter because Doyle's execution is so brazen and original, you don't notice. You don't realize that Denis is essentially Cameron from Ferris Bueller until long after you've been sucked into the story of a kid in love.
One of the blurbs on the back of the softcover edition says that Doyle never forgets that humor needs heart too. I can't say it any better than that. We want to see Denis win. We want to see Kevin lose. And, in the end, we might not want to see Denis with Beth, but, if nothing else, we just want all of these characters we've come to love over 200 pages to wind up happy in the end. And while we all know the various Denises, Riches and Beths in our lives, we want to be a little part of this one, if only for a second, so we can help everyone through their last night of high school and first day of their unsure futures.
Doyle leaves the ending somewhat open (there are no spoilers there, I swear), something which might get alleviated when his adaptation of I Love You, Beth Cooper hits screens next month with Hayden Panettiere playing Beth and Paul Rust playing Denis. I hope Chris Columbus, who is still catching undue crap for a valiant, completely watchable adaptation of Rent, leaves it to us though, because, in the end, Doyle has created a perfect mix of old and new comedy.
Some updates to where you can reach me and how I am slowly becoming more dependent and exposed on the Internet.
I now own You can always get to me via Facebook.
You may have noticed that this blog has gone by the wayside. I think that can be attributed to the awesomeness that is Twitter. I am constantly posting to Twitter and have been for over a year. If you're unsure about Twitter, as to what it is, if you would enjoy it, etc. please contact me and I will explain it the best I can. Or, go to and look at their ever-so-informative video explaining the concept.
I know have linked my Twitter and this blog with a service that most people have used forever called Twitterfeed. Now, if you start following me on Twitter, which I reccomend everyone does at, you can always be alerted when I put up something new up here. What I'm hoping is that knowing that my Twitterfeed will send out my posts, I will put more up here at the blog.
Thanks, everyone, who reads and those who will start reading because of Twitter. Hopefully you will all let me know what you'd like to see up here aside from my daily ramblings and rants and such.
Now, I am going to dive back into my Google Reader and comment on the videos that I watch for the next little bit. Boring? Maybe. But, there might be a hidden gem in all of these video game previews, TV commercials, viral videos and, as always, film trailers.
1. "Star Wars: The Old Republic" trailer.
This is a trailer for the latest "Star Wars" game. I don't know much about it beforehand, so let's check it out.
So, this is apparently the "Star Wars" massive multiplayer game we've heard rumors about and, I must say, it looks incredible! This looks like a lot of fun and an awesome backdrop for a ton of attacking and strategy, teaming up with other people. It also looks like a game that some 10 year old is going to kick my ass in if I ever play it.
2. "The Final Destination" trailer
We have had FOUR "Final Destination" flicks. The last one was in 3D and included a DVD where you could choose your own ending! Let's see if this one can stand without gimmicks.
OK, so I thought that the last one was in 3D, but apparently I was wrong. Anyway, anything with death by NASCAR earns a video rental from me.
3. Fox Fall Series Trailers
"The Human Target"- Looks pretty entertaining. One of the series I'm excited about next year.
"Past Life"- Looks pretty dumb. While the concept has originality, it's unnecessry. It doesn't add anything to solving crimes. A show has to look pretty dumb for it to be a procedural and NOT have me hook line and sinker.
"Sons of Tuscon"- This looks damned hilarious, although that it's sad that "Reaper" had to go to get Tyler Labine to star in this bad boy. Fox is batting 2 for 3 right now.
"The Cleveland Show"- "Family Guy" spinoff FTW. Looks hilarious like everything Seth MacFarlane poops out.
"Brothers"- Sitcoms are hard to predict, but I might try to give this a shot. I like everyone in it and watching it unfold and mix heart and laughs could be fun...or cheesy and poorly done.
4. "New Moon" trailer
I never saw/read "Twilight" so, we'll see.
Actually looks interesting. I doubt I'll try to bat away the hoards of screaming teenagers to see it in the theatre, but it definitely makes me more excited for the phenomenon.
5. "Yo Teach!"
This is a viral video for Judd Apatow's new flick, "Funny People."
This is a pitch perfect parody. I was already looking forward to the movie, but if this type of "Tropic Thunder" viral ad campaign is what we're going to see, color me excited.
So, according to the fine folks over at /Film this all plays into the song "Sabotage" being played in JJ Abrams "Star Trek" flick, which is a must-see for EVERYONE, I swear.
So, Shatner can't say the word and I guess the tape of him screwing it up, along with Orson Welles not being able to talk about peas, made the rounds over the years. Hilarious.
8. "Need for Speed: Shift" trailer
The "Need for Speed" franchise returns to form, after "Underground" and "Burnout".
Even though I've liked a lot of the later "Need for Speed" games that left the track, I'm happy to return and get to racing.
9. "DJ Hero" Demo
So, "DJ Hero" is the new creation from the people behind "Guitar Hero" where you control a turntable and all of its intricacies. I'm skeptical.
So, it looks to be a lot of fun...if you're good at it. I feel like the learning curve would have to be HUGE for that to happen. I could, and probably am, wrong, of course.
10. "Saw" Demo
So, this is a video game based on the "Saw" films. I wonder if it a) can avoid the stupidity of the last 20 installments of the franchise b) return to the creepiness of the first flick and c) distinguish itself from being more than a glorified "escape the room" game.
This could actually be fun. It definitely has a "Bioshock" feel of being open-world but linear at the same time. Might be a rental shot.
11. "Shadow Complex" trailer
"Shadow Complex" is a combination FPS/Sidescroller that will be on XBOX Live Arcade, which is where games for the 360 are downloaded directly to the system.
This game looks like a lot of fun, but maybe a little thin on story (which some, maybe most, would enjoy). Would depend on price for me.
12. "Modern Warfare 2" demo
No idea. Let's check it out.
I'm not a war games kind of guy. But this looks like a lot of fun, if not really challenging. I definitely might rent this and give it a go.
13. Pan-Man Cereal Ad
Guess if you can pick out the foul-mouthed action star in this ad.
That's right, it's everyone's favorite, Christian Bale! I swear.
14. "Blur" trailer
Apparently, this is a racing game where you get to shock people. Sounds like fun to me.
15. Whack-a-Kitty
What can I say, simply adorable!
16. NPH Doing Letterman's Top 10
Neil Patrick Harris (NPH) is hosting the Tony's, so he's going to be on Letterman tonight doing the Top 10 list. He's always funny, so let's see.
Yep. Funny.
17. Meet the Cast of "Glee"
This is an exclusive from my good friend Kath over at featuring my new favorite show of the season, "Glee" and it's wonderful cast.
"Glee" is amazing, plain and simple. I hope that we can keep the awesome momentum from the pilot premiere a couple of weeks ago into the fall, when it will debut.
18. "The Answer Man" trailer
Jeff Daniels plays a man who once talked to God. So, then he secluded himself. Lauren Graham plays...Lauren Graham.
Looks like a lot of fun, actually with a hell of a supporting cast.
19. Wearable Towel commercial
Wow. All I can say.
Well, that's where I bid you all adieu...for now. DUN DUN DUNNNN!
Welcome back to the Trailer Park, where I look at the trailers piling up in my Google Reader, pass them on to you, and give you my thoughts.
Give 'Em Hell, Malone
This flick looks like a blast and a half. I love a lot of the people in it and I LVOE NOIR so I'm hoping this gets enough exposure at Cannes to get a wide-ish release.
GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra
I can't decide if this looks good or not. Dennis Quaid and Marlon Wayans are a plus. A bomb that just seems to put moss on things is a minus. Of course, I thought that Transformers didn't have much of a chance of succeeding and I loved it, so, based on this trailer, I might give it a shot.
Meryl Streep plays Julia Child finding her identity in France. Amy Adams plays Julie Powell finding her identity through Julia Child finding her identity in France. Phil Wrighthouse plays intrigued moviegoer who finds that he is oddly attracted to a) Meryl Streep in any role she ever plays ever and b) Amy Adams with disturbingly short hair. All kidding aside, the foodie in my and my appreciation for both leads will let me put the schlock this might have in it aside.
Alright, I was hoping to post one more, but time has snuck up on me and I must be off. More coming soon, as I'm done with the college business and off to unemployment land. So, have fun, do good things and be well.
So, this morning, in the early hours, the nominations for the 2009 Academy Awards were announced. As usual, I have begun a quest to watch all of the films in all of the major categories by the beginning of the ceremony on February 22.
That's right. I have a month. Here, ladies and germs, are the movies I'll have to watch by then.
The Visitor Frost/Nixon Milk The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Revolutionary Road Rachel Getting Married Changeling Frozen River The Reader Vicky Christina Barcelona Bolt Wall-E Happy-Go-Lucky In Bruges 14 movies. 30 days. It begins soon...and it will all be documented, in detail, on this blog and on twitter.
Hello, sports fans. Or should I say TV fans, as this post is all about my TV schedule and how much it has changed from the beginning of the season to now. Shows have gone by the wayside, been relegated to a possible DVD catch-up, or been lauded as some of the best shows on TV. Plus, new shows are being thrust upon me in the coming weeks, so I need to sort it all out. Where better to do it than right here on Phil's American Life. I'll be doing this day by day, sorting it out gradually throughout the week.
Family Guy- I still love this show, I don't care what anyone says. American Dad- Again, I still really dig this show. It's a careless 22 minutes, without the commercials. The United States of Tara- This is a new show created by Diablo Cody (Juno) and produced by Steven Speilberg. A show about multiple personalities. The pilot has been up for free online, I just havent watched it yet. Flight of the Conchords-One of the funniest shows on television. The pilot for this gem is up at Funny or Die.
True Blood and Dexter are done for the season. But, let me say that both of those shows were outstanding and definitely will make up end of the season list.
There was nothing on Sundays that I had to give up on. No, I'm afraid tomorrow, though, you will get to hear one of my tirades against a once-beloved TV show that is over and done with. That's all coming up tomorrow...or should I say later today.
Another edition of Trailer Park, where I take a look at some of the latest trailers that have come out and grade them. Let's get started, kids...
Crank was a great little action flick that came out a couple of years ago where Jason Statham (my vote to play Jack Bauer's long lost cousin in the movie) plays a man who must keep his adrenaline up to complete a mission unless he dies. It seemed, though, at the end of the first film, that he was dead...
...apparently not. This trailer has everything you could want in a red band trailer, which means NSFW, kids. Dwight Yokam slapping a hooker's ass, a lot of curse words, crap blowing up, Amy Smart looking hot, and so much more.
This trailer got me really REALLY excited for this movie which is supposed to come out April 17 of this year.
I have no idea what G-Force...let's see...
...cue Jonas Brothers song.
To be honest, I have a thing for kids movies. Still, as a 21 year old. I know, it's kinda sad. But, this seems a little unoriginal and ridiculous, doesn't it? Anyway, it looks alright and the awesome cast of voices (Jon Favreau, Tracy Morgan) and live actioneers (Zach Galifanakis, Will Arnett, Bill Nighy) might make for some fun times. The trailer kind of left me luke warm though. We'll see more when G-Force unleashes its adorableness on us July 24 of this year.
GRADE: B Note: this film could have EASILY gotten a higher grade, but it received an automatic half-grade demotion for using "Don'tcha".
This is, according to him, Joaquin Phoenix's last movie. A romance with him and Gwenyth Paltrow? Might have wanted to leave on something better. But, alas, Paltrow earned my geek love after perfecting Pepper Potts in Iron Man, so, let's give it a shot.
I just can't get into movies like Two Lovers. Too bad for this poor schmuck that he has to decide between two gorgeous women. And the filmmakers want me to, somehow, sympathize with him. I was given nothing in this trailer that made me want to do that...or see this when it comes out February 13 of this year.
GRADE: B- It was a pretty trailer, but the movie just doesn't look appealing at all. I hope that Phoenix is lying about quitting movies for a music career, because I would hate for him to go out on this.
STREET FIGHTER: THE LEGEND OF CHUN-LI If you've kept up with movies or video games since you were a kid, you know a couple of things.
1) The first Street Fighter film was made in 1994 and is generally considered to be a GIANT piece of horsecrap.
2) Street Fighter is a legendary gaming series that has, in a way, been dormant on the next gen consoles. And...
3) Chun Li was always one of the hottest video game characters around.
This films seeks to restart a franchise that never really started to begin with and hopefully spawn some pretty sweet movies. Let's check it out...
So, it's in Chinese. Whatever. While a lot of video game geeks will be up in arms about not being an entire Street Fighter movie, with the whole cast of characters, I would like for them to also thing about how they're geekgasming over the reported Avengers flick. That film will not be possible without starting successful franchises like Iron Man, Hulk, and Captain America not to mention the introduction of Nick Fury into the film's universe. I don't know exactly that that is what they're doing here, but I think it's a good plan. Don't waste your money on a big budget picture based on a concept that you KNOW failed once before you find out if people will see cutie Kristen Kruek as Chun-Li.
Also, keep in mind it's an origin story and, as we've seen in this past year, just because we're seeing the beginnings of a character doesn't mean we won't see some of their cohorts along the way.
As far as the trailer goes, though, it was pretty generic. I would have liked a bit more dialogue, which gives me pause to think that Chun-Li has a crappy script.
GRADE: B I'm on the fence about this flick still, but this trailer took away some of my misgivings.
Well, that's it for this edition of the Trailer Park. Be back soon!