Welcome back to the Trailer Park, where I look at the trailers piling up in my Google Reader, pass them on to you, and give you my thoughts.
Give 'Em Hell, Malone This flick looks like a blast and a half. I love a lot of the people in it and I LVOE NOIR so I'm hoping this gets enough exposure at Cannes to get a wide-ish release.
GRADE: AGI Joe: The Rise of Cobra I can't decide if this looks good or not. Dennis Quaid and Marlon Wayans are a plus. A bomb that just seems to put moss on things is a minus. Of course, I thought that Transformers didn't have much of a chance of succeeding and I loved it, so, based on this trailer, I might give it a shot.G.I. JOE trailer in HD GRADE: BJulie & Julia Meryl Streep plays Julia Child finding her identity in France. Amy Adams plays Julie Powell finding her identity through Julia Child finding her identity in France. Phil Wrighthouse plays intrigued moviegoer who finds that he is oddly attracted to a) Meryl Streep in any role she ever plays ever and b) Amy Adams with disturbingly short hair. All kidding aside, the foodie in my and my appreciation for both leads will let me put the schlock this might have in it aside. GRADE: A- Alright, I was hoping to post one more, but time has snuck up on me and I must be off. More coming soon, as I'm done with the college business and off to unemployment land. So, have fun, do good things and be well.www.twitter.com/philwrighthouse philwrighthouse.blogspot.com philattheolympics.blogspot.com (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same)http://philwrighthouse.blogspot.com /www.givememyremote.com (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)
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