Friday, December 12, 2008

It's Over!

So, I'm done with the semester, and I finally get a bit of a chance to blog for all one of you who read this.

This semester has been an interesting one. It's been really busy at times with a lot of crap, good and bad, thrown in the mix. I'm glad to be over, but, as my final semester nears, I'm really starting to worry about the job market.

But, we shall see.

Here's a mass update on how you can keep track with minor updates in my life.

1. Twitter. I've become an addict and find that it's the easiest way to keep people up to date on my life. You can check me out at I update it often. From my phone, from my Firefox Extension...definitely post all of my musings and goings on. Also, if you are the Facecreeping type, my Twitter posts, known as tweets, become my Facebook status, so YOU CANNOT ESCAPE!

2. Facebook. Facebook me if you haven't.

3. AIM. philboy37. Yeah, I'm always online.

4. GMMR. I haven't really talked much about my job over at Give Me My Remote ( blogging about Dexter every week. But as the finale occurs this Sunday, I'll start just blogging about anything TV related that occurs in my head until something regular comes along.

5. This blog! I know I say this all the time, but I really want to get into a regular routine with this. Hopefully I'll find a good balance.

With that, I'll let you go. Here's a great video from Straight No Chaser, a great a capella group out of IU who became an internet sensation with this video and subsequently got back together and recorded a Christmas album!

Here's all the links, one more time, just to keep them together. (I don't update it anymore, but it's awesome just the same) (search for "Philboy" to see all of my posts.)

See you next time, kids!


Give Me My Remote said...

Congrats on the end of the semester!!

KittyMarie said...

Only one semester left with my beloved...I'm going to have to make it count! *HUG*

Angel Aviles said...

There are actually 3 of us who read this blog =)