Friday, June 29, 2012

The Summer of Catching Up and Branching Out

Summer seems to be my New Year's Eve. It's the time that, as it rears its muggy, warm head every year, I decide I'm going to start anew. I'm going to do x, y, or z and finally, for once in my miserable existence, follow through on it.

This comes from being a teacher's kid. I know it has to. Summer is the time of renewal in a life centered around school. It's the three months where, in my head, you go on vacation, read a lot, catch up on TV and stuff you might have missed and then pray that August doesn't come too quickly.

So, this summer, albeit a little late, I've found myself doing the same thing. TV shows I want to catch up on, exercise I want to start doing. I'm hoping to keep myself a bit accountable for it on here, but, seeing as my last post before this was in April, who knows if that will actually happen.

So, hopefully this summer you'll get to see my progress on this blog. And on Facebook and Twitter. And Pinterest. And all storts of things.

Wish me luck.